Supporting Biodiversity at Home - Volunteer and Shareholder Viv's 'No Mow Lawn'

May 8, 2023

Volunteer Viv talks about her No Mow Lawn.

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A no mow lawn with wildflowers and long grass

This year I again joined in with No Mow May. I let my already weedy lawn grow uncut and this is the result on the 20th June.

The lawn is visited by lots of insects and I have noticed several Meadow Browns. They flutter so much I haven’t got a good photograph but this site has excellent information:

I learned from last year and cut a metre-wide strip around the edge; this made access easier and gives a good contrast with the tall flowers and grasses. And, because I think there may be eggs, caterpillars and chrysalis in the grass, I will be doing my next cut later, in September.

I am also collecting wild flower seeds from local fields and sprinkling them in small scarified areas of lawn; fingers crossed for more variety next year.

For more information and to find out more if you’re interested in doing similar next year do visit Plantlife’s No Mow May webpage:

Viv Watkins, Shareholder

This article was first featured in the Autumn 2022 edition of the Grazer magazine. For more info and to subscribe, visit:

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